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E. A. Shchipitin
E. A. Shchipitin
All-Russian Research Institute of Turf Industry
All-Russian Research Institute of Turf Industry
St. Petersburg


Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Technologies and equipment for peat extraction and processing

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For years of existence of the institute efforts of several generations of scientists and engineers created large powered technology and enabling technologies for peat production and processing. Their developments were based on in-depth theoretical and extensive experimental study. Last years the is being constantly improving both technology and equipment for mining the milling peat, development of brush machines, pneumatic harvesting machines, sod peat machines, technology and equipment for peat processing, including agriculture, horticulture and preservation of the environment.

How to cite: Selennov V.G., Shchipitin E.A., Mikhailov A.V. Technologies and equipment for peat extraction and processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 59-62.