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V. I. Shulzhenko
V. I. Shulzhenko
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy
Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy


Professional rhetoric: theory - practice - teaching methods
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Speech competence in the professional training of a pharmacist

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A serious problem in the training of Russian pharmacists is their insufficient communicative competence. It is this competence that largely predetermines the individual assessment of professional activity not only of the pharmacist, but also of each particular pharmacy in general, having a significant impact on its public image and, consequently, its performance. Due to the fact that the object of prospective application of pharmaceutical education becomes a person, the level of requirements to the speech training of the future pharmacist increases. Realized at the social level as an urgent problem, this problem has not found an appropriate reflection in the currently existing state educational standards. The time for speech disciplines in the curricula of non-humanitarian universities is still allocated on a residual principle, which is poorly consistent with the strategic objectives of domestic higher professional education.

How to cite: Shulzhenko V.I. Speech competence in the professional training of a pharmacist // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 2 160. p. 93-94.