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I. N. Khramtsova
I. N. Khramtsova
OAO Gipronickel Institute
OAO Gipronickel Institute
St. Petersburg


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Involvement of technogenic raw materials in autoclave oxidizing technology of pyrrhotite concentrates processing

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Crystallization patterns of high-copper matte with copper to nickel ratio (0.7-2.3):1, cooled in a regime close to the industrial one, have been studied. It is established that high-copper matte (Cu:Ni>1.6:1) is characterized by a different order of crystallization of structural components than traditional copper-nickel matte with a predominant share of nickel. The necessity of choosing a different cooling mode for cuprous matte is shown.

How to cite: Khramtsova I.N., Shestakova R.D., Petrov A.F., Asanova I.I., Kropachev G.A., Dmitriev I.V., Volyanskii I.V., Panfilova L.V. Involvement of technogenic raw materials in autoclave oxidizing technology of pyrrhotite concentrates processing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 203-206.