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K. S. Shanina
K. S. Shanina
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Development of underground space
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Goals, tasks and content of environmental monitoring

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In order to rationally solve the urgent problem of ensuring stable functioning of ecosystems, it is necessary to clearly outline the goals, objectives and content of the main activity of this issue - environmental monitoring, which is done in the paper. In addition, based on the analysis of the developments of leading scientists, the concept is defined, a general scheme of functioning of goals and objectives is developed, and a detailed classification of types of monitoring is described.

How to cite: Shanina K.S. Goals, tasks and content of environmental monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 156-158.
Development of underground space
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Retrospective analysis of cadastral valuation of land

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The article analyzes the historical development of cadastral valuation of land. It analyzes the main stages of cadastral valuation formation. The development of cadastral valuation in Russia, taking into account the socio-economic and political influences of each era, is considered in more detail. The moment of the emergence of qualitative assessment, which takes into account the fertility and yield of various lands, is highlighted. The contribution of Russian scientists, in particular Professor V.V. Dokuchaev, in the development of cadastral valuation. The necessity to develop methods of cadastral valuation taking into account all properties of land was substantiated.

How to cite: Shanina K.S. Retrospective analysis of cadastral valuation of land // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 98-100.
Surveying and geodesy
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Socio-economic substantiation of the rational use of real estate in the historic center of St. Petersburg

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The problem of rational use of real estate in the historical center of St. Petersburg is investigated. The disadvantages of the existing use are considered and the mechanism of improving the existing situation, based on the socio-economic justification of the provision of land plots to enterprises and organizations, is proposed.

How to cite: Shanina K.S. Socio-economic substantiation of the rational use of real estate in the historic center of St. Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 253-254.