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D. S. Korelskiy
D. S. Korelskiy
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Qestion of the geoecology
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Identification of degradation of soil and vegetable communities testing technogenic loading on materials of space shooting

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The basic principles on the use of satellite images of different resolution to assess the state of natural soil and plant communities with severe human impacts, primarily atmospheric. Researchers give now various signs of change of qualitative and quantitative structure of vegetation under technogenic loading. However all of them have essential shortcomings that demands continuation of researches in the field for the purpose of increase of reliability of allocation of zones of a breaking of plant communities in an operative mode.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S. Identification of degradation of soil and vegetable communities testing technogenic loading on materials of space shooting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 175.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Evaluation of a breaking of plant communities exposed to technogenic load with space monitoring method

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The basic principles on the use of satellite images of different resolution to asses s the state of natural soil and plant communities with severe human impacts,  primarily atmospheric. The main features include load manmade the atmospheric accumulation of pollutants in the snowpack, changes in the state of soil and reduction of the projective cover of trees and shrubs as compared with background areas with negative long-term  dynamics.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S. Evaluation of a breaking of plant communities exposed to technogenic load with space monitoring method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 170.
Modern methods and systems for indication and monitoring of environmental components
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Estimation of the condition of the soil-vegetative complexes having stress at atmospheric impact

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The main research objective was monitoring and assessment of terricolous and plant cover condition in forest ecosystems influenced by industrial pollution by the Severonickel Industrial Plant, which impact zone covers 1.4 thousand sq. km. During an expedition to the Murmansk Region samples of upper soil layers and plants were taken in areas directly affected by atmospheric impact from OAO Severonickel both at various distances from the plant and in background territories. This will help to determine the overall degree of soil contamination at various distances from the plant as well as distribution of heavy metals accumulated in various soil layers and a complex estimation of adverse impact on soil cover and various plant species.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S., Chukaeva M.A. Estimation of the condition of the soil-vegetative complexes having stress at atmospheric impact // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 174.
Technical and environmental safety of mining industry
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Development of effective methods of reclamation of highly toxic technogenic massifs of enterprises of mineral and raw materials complex

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The paper presents result of monitoring toxic technogenic massifs of the OJSC «Mikhaolovskiy GOK» Company and the LLC «Severonickel» Company. Their technogenic influence on various environmental components is assessed. New reliable environmentally-safe and economically efficient ways of technogenic massif reclamation are suggested based on formation of protective screens made of polymer materials sintered with the massif rocks. An optimal screen formation technology is selected as the result of research carried out in test areas.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Korelskyi D.S. Development of effective methods of reclamation of highly toxic technogenic massifs of enterprises of mineral and raw materials complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 43-46.
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Integrated monitoring of the impact of Severonickel Combine on the natural environment

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The research presented at paper carried out in area of Monchegorsk and directed on definition of mechanisms and an estimation of infringement and pollution level of an environment during industrial activity of factory «Severonikel». Results of research of transformation degree and migration probability of polluting components from waste on the open area solid wastes storage due to hypergenic processes are presented. Тhe high acid potential of solid wastes is proved and it at rather small volumes infiltration waters causes significant damage to the superficial waters because of global issue. Damaged water is an unique source of drinking water supply in area of Monchegorsk. Also in work the system of monitoring and an estimation of a soil-vegetative cover condition in forest ecosystems impacted by factory «Severonikel» is offered.

How to cite: Parshina M.V., Korelskii D.S. Integrated monitoring of the impact of Severonickel Combine on the natural environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 174. p. 217-221.
Mining. Ecology
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Monitoring of soil and vegetation cover for reclamation of the ecological disaster zones of JSC Severonickel

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Severonickel Combine is one of the largest enterprises in the Kola Peninsula, processing Cu-Ni raw materials to produce non-ferrous metals and precious metal concentrates as end products. The industrial activities of the Severonickel Combine have a noticeable negative impact on the vast territory of the Murmansk Region, and the area characterized by a very high level of soil pollution occupies 1400 km 2 . During the expedition to the Murmansk Region in summer 2005, control samples were collected from the upper soil horizons in the areas exposed to the direct atmospheric impact of JSC Severonickel, at various distances from the Combine and in the background areas. This will make it possible to determine the overall degree of soil contamination at different distances from the enterprise, as well as the distribution of accumulated heavy metals in different horizons. Sample areas of vegetation in the form of phytomass of woody, shrub-grass and moss-lichen circles were sampled. The conducted studies will allow to give a comprehensive assessment of the negative impact on soil cover and different types of vegetation.

How to cite: Korelskiy D.S. Monitoring of soil and vegetation cover for reclamation of the ecological disaster zones of JSC Severonickel // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 114-118.
Mining. Ecology
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Monitoring of soil and vegetation cover in the zone of impact of OAO Boksitogorsky Alumina

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In the course of practical research in the zone of influence of the metallurgical industry enterprise "Boksitogorsk alumina" in Boksitogorsk the sizes of the real zone of negative influence of the enterprise were obtained. They practically on a row exceed those obtained by theoretical calculations according to the OND-86 methodology, universally applied for calculation of atmospheric air pollution in the Russian Federation. Many residential, agricultural and forestry lands are located in the zone of negative impact of the enterprise. This substantiates the necessity to conduct engineering and environmental studies in the impact zones of large enterprises of the mineral and raw materials complex.

How to cite: Korelskii D.S. Monitoring of soil and vegetation cover in the zone of impact of OAO Boksitogorsky Alumina // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 70-73.