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O. Yu. Alexandrova
O. Yu. Alexandrova
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Postgraduate student
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


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Engiineering-geological and hydrogeological problems of st. Isaak cathedral’s long-term stability substantiation (Saint-Petersburg)

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In the paper construction specificity of St. Isaak Cathedral’s underground space and engineering geological profile features are considered. The comparative assessment of condition and properties modification of water-saturated quarternary sandy and clay soils during 55 years are taken up (1954-2009). The dynamic of groundwater contamination due to leakage sewers and its aggressiveness are estimated. The researches of microbes activity in soils which are characterized by quasiheavy values are completed. The structural  of complex monitoring to secure of St. Isaak Cathedral long-term stability are proposed.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Shidlovskaya A.V., Aleksandrova O.Y., Alekseev I.V. Engiineering-geological and hydrogeological problems of st. Isaak cathedral’s long-term stability substantiation (Saint-Petersburg) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 28.
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Geobiological and hydrogeochemical impact on underground escalator tunnel constructions determining intensification of corrosion material processes in Saint Petersburg

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This paper discusses the geobiological and hydrogeochemical processes in St.-Petersburg underground space and their role in corrosion of escalator constructional materials. The special attention were attracted to the ecological conditions which are connected with organic, inorganic contaminants and microbiota transporting to soils and groundwater from leaking sewer system and also from zones of long existing cemeteries. A detailed study and numerical analyses of escalator tunnel constructional materials were carried out to reveal biological defeat and destruction of concrete and grey iron as a result of microbiota destructive activity.

How to cite: Vlasov D.Y., Shidlovskaya A.V., Aleksandrova O.Y. Geobiological and hydrogeochemical impact on underground escalator tunnel constructions determining intensification of corrosion material processes in Saint Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 60.
Problems of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions assessment in the development of territories
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Problems of development of underground space of St. Petersburg and geological processes

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It is very important at the present time in conditions of multilevel developing Saint-Petersburg to have an opportunity of prediction and diagnostics exogenous processes during the designing, construction, maintenance and buildings reconstruction. It is shown the necessity of taking into consideration the man-caused factors as chemical, microbial and temperature pollution of geological environment, which is exerting influence on transformation of soils condition under the buildings foundation. The principal concern is attended to the pollution by domestic sewage influencing on moraine and lacustrine loam which is used as a base layers for pile foundations and natural bed for continuous footing of 18-19 centuries buildings. It is underlined the role of soils corrosion activity and the profound effect of biocorrosion processes in lining material destruction.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y. Problems of development of underground space of St. Petersburg and geological processes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 209-212.
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Influence of engineering, geological and geo-ecological conditions on deformation and corrosion processes in transportation tunnels in St. Petersburg

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The main natural and anthropogenic factors forming the specificity of environmental conditions in the underground environment, which affects the development of deformations and corrosion processes of transportation tunnels, are considered. Natural factors include radon intake, the presence of buried bogs and marshy rocks. Technogenic factors of underground space pollution are household dumps, sewage system leaks, cemeteries. On the example of some transit tunnels it is shown that engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions, as well as geo-ecological situation determine the peculiarities of functioning of these structures. It is noted that the destruction of tunnel materials occurs mainly due to the biochemical factor.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y., Shidlovskaya A.V. Influence of engineering, geological and geo-ecological conditions on deformation and corrosion processes in transportation tunnels in St. Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 74-77.
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Experience of studying natural and technogenic processes in the underground space of St. Petersburg (on the example of the Obukhovo-Rybatskoye tunnels)

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It is marked out the levels of development in Saint-Petersburg underground space, where separately should be taken in consideration the influence of structural-tectonic, engineering geological, hydrogeological, geoecological factors on an occasion for the display of exogenous processes and as a result of buildings stability. Main natural and technological factors, which play negative part in development of prolonged and uneven deformations of the tunnels «Obuhovo – Ribackoe» in Saint-Petersburg subway are considered in the article. It is emphasized that the character and intensity of tunnel’s throw depends on conditions, physico- mechanical rocks and soils properties, hydrodynamical and hydrochemical groundwater conditions, as well as gas-dynamic phenomenon. It is shown the profound effect of biocorrosion processes in lining material destruction.

How to cite: Alexandrova O.Y. Experience of studying natural and technogenic processes in the underground space of St. Petersburg (on the example of the Obukhovo-Rybatskoye tunnels) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 7-10.
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Geotechnical and geoecological analysis of the causes of deformation of some architectural and historical monuments in St. Petersburg (on the example of St. Isaac's Cathedral)

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The reasons for deformations of one of the most important architectural and historical monuments and shrines of St. Petersburg - St. Isaac's Cathedral - are analyzed. The history of the construction of the cathedral, its design features are described, special attention is paid to the arrangement of the foundations of this unique structure. The main natural and technogenic factors which play a negative role in the development of long-term and irregular deformations of the cathedral are considered. It is emphasized that the presence of weak sandy-clay soils and the absence of their filtration consolidation has predetermined the non-stabilized state of the soils at the base of the cathedral. Leaks from drainage systems contribute to active pollution of groundwater and predetermine the reduction of strength and strain properties of soils. The composition of ground waters indicates active leaching of dolomitized limestones of the Putilovskaya plate, which were used in the construction of the foundations. The made calculations showed that the foundation of the cathedral works in the stage of plastic deformation, accompanied by catching of grounds from under the foundations. The calculations of the maximum and average values of settlements on the basis of consideration of soils as linear and nonlinear medium have been made. It is shown that the most rational means of protection to prevent the development of further deformation of the cathedral is the "wall-in-soil" construction.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y. Geotechnical and geoecological analysis of the causes of deformation of some architectural and historical monuments in St. Petersburg (on the example of St. Isaac’s Cathedral) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 152. p. 7-10.
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Regularities of transformation of the main components of the geological environment of St. Petersburg during the burial of bogs

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At present, when assessing the geo-ecological conditions of the city territory, the existence of buried marshes is not given proper attention. It is known that by the time of laying the city 75% of its area was boggy. Complete removal of boggy deposits was carried out only when their thickness does not exceed 3 m. Deeper marshes and swampy areas turned out to be buried and continue to “live”, being the most active geo-ecological element of the city's underground environment. Although swamp waters outside the zones of technogenic pollution are characterized by low salinity and mainly hydrocarbonate-sodium, less often calcium composition, they play a significant role in the formation of physical, chemical and biochemical environment of the underground space of the city. In such watered sections containing boggy sediments, sharply pronounced reducing conditions are noted. In addition, there is an activation of microbiological activity at considerable depth, since bog sediments contain a variety of physiological groups of microflora. Swamp sediments serve as an active natural sorbent for heavy metals, as well as a number of organic pollutants. On the one hand, the microbiological activity and diversity of bog biocenoses leads to the destruction of organic pollutants. On the other hand, the activity of the biotic component is usually accompanied by biochemical gas generation. The formation of methane, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, etc. is observed in the underground space of St. Petersburg. Low-soluble gases (methane, nitrogen) will affect the stress-strain state of sandy-clayey rocks, contributing to mudbursts, and in the presence of methane - spontaneous combustion. Soluble and highly water-soluble gases usually form a corrosive environment in relation to metals, concrete and other building materials. Studies of the impact of buried bogs on the environmental condition of the city performed in SPGGI allowed to identify and delineate zones with the highest level of negative processes that determine the safety of development and use of the underground space of St. Petersburg.

How to cite: Aleksandrova O.Y. Regularities of transformation of the main components of the geological environment of St. Petersburg during the burial of bogs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 1 150. p. 6-10.