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Pavel Oravec
Pavel Oravec
VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava
VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava


Economics and management
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Interaction of power engineering and living environment in the Czech Republic

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The Cideas Research Center is conducting a series of studies on housing redevelopment. The research concerns complex building-energy and technical-functional concepts for the redevelopment of houses built in the second half of the last century according to the serial scheme. Two objects from the Ostrava region were selected for this work - a panel house of series type T06B and a prefabricated frame building of type MS-OB. The reconstruction concept was considered from the point of view of building thermal engineering and energy consumption in accordance with Directive No. 2002/91/EC on the energy performance of buildings.

How to cite: Galda Z., Kubenková K., Oravec P. Interaction of power engineering and living environment in the Czech Republic // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 203-206.
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Acoustic requirements for constructions in central Europe

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Noise is one of the most widespread harmful substances in the working and living environment. It has become a problem in recent times, when the development of industry and transportation has reached an unusual acceleration.

How to cite: Oravec P., Galda Z., Kubenková K. Acoustic requirements for constructions in central Europe // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 258-261.