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V. N. Anisimov
V. N. Anisimov
Moscow State Mining University
Moscow State Mining University


Physics and fracture mechanics rocks
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Magnetokinetic effect of destruction of ferruginous quartzite

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The results of investigation of degradation of KMA ferruginous quartzite samples in strong high-gradient pulsed magnetic fields with magnetic induction up to 1Tl and pulse duration of 240µs are presented. The effect of micro- and macro-cracks formation, electrical resistance drop by 3-4 orders of magnitude and increase of ultrasonic waves absorption in the range from 0.3 to 5 MHz was found. Known effects do not provide an explanation for the obtained results. It is suggested that the magnetokinetic effect of moving magnetite grains in nonmagnetic quartz matrix under the action of a strong high-gradient pulsed magnetic field with the subsequent process of destruction and dickering, accompanied by the development of microcracks at the boundaries of mineral grains.

How to cite: Anisimov V.N., Morozov V.N. Magnetokinetic effect of destruction of ferruginous quartzite // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 66-69.
Physics and fracture mechanics rocks
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Destruction of quartz-bearing rocks under simultaneous pulsed high-gradient electromagnetic and elastic wave impacts

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The results of investigation of the mechanism of destruction of quartz-bearing rocks (ferruginous quartzites) in strong high-gradient pulsed magnetic fields are presented. The model and mechanism of movement of magnetite grains in nonmagnetic quartz matrix under the action of elastic pulse impact and simultaneous strong pulsed magnetic field with the subsequent process of destruction and dispergation accompanied by the development of microcracks along the grain boundaries of minerals are considered. The results of experimental studies of destruction are given.

How to cite: Anisimov V.N. Destruction of quartz-bearing rocks under simultaneous pulsed high-gradient electromagnetic and elastic wave impacts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 70-75.
Physics and fracture mechanics rocks
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New ways and methods of dispersing complex-structured massifs of ferruginous quartzites at explosive ore preparation

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The results of the study of explosive ore preparation of complex-structured massifs of ferruginous quartzites, methods of calculating the parameters of BVR taking into account the peculiarities of the structure and genesis of such massifs, as well as the results of experimental studies of the destruction of ferruginous quartzites and its effect on the indicators of ore preparation are presented.

How to cite: Belin V.A., Anisimov V.N. New ways and methods of dispersing complex-structured massifs of ferruginous quartzites at explosive ore preparation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 76-81.
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Goniometric attachment to diffractometer DRON-7 for texture and macro stress analysis

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A brief description is given of the principle of operation and methodological capabilities of the automatic. macro-stresses in polycrystalline samples and express determination of single crystal orientation. The main parameters of diffraction data acquisition for each of the tasks solved with the help of this attachment are discussed.

How to cite: Anisimov V.N., Lifshits V.A., Malkov A.V., Pronichev V.A., Firsova V.A. Goniometric attachment to diffractometer DRON-7 for texture and macro stress analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 165. p. 20-21.