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A. A. Timchenko
A. A. Timchenko
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


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Complex assessment of drained groundwater of Yakovlevsky mine according to the results of hydrogeochemical monitoring

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Hydrogeochemical monitoring carried out in 2006-2007 allows estimation of the activity coefficient of overflowing and secondary humidifying of rich iron ores in the underground workings of the Yakovlevsky Mine. Ubiquitous manifestation of H2S of various geneses was revealed during the research. Regularities in H2S and Cl– content patterns were revealed. Zones of active water overflowing from law carboniferous limestones were mapped for the –425 and –370 m horizons. A tendency of decreasing in levels of lawcarbonic aquifer is established. Zones with various water inflows to the –425 m mine horizon were revealed.

How to cite: Timchenko A.A. Complex assessment of drained groundwater of Yakovlevsky mine according to the results of hydrogeochemical monitoring // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 27-30.
Safety in mining industry
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Analysis and evaluation of the results of hydrogeochemical monitoring of groundwater to ensure the safety of mining operations at Yakovlevsky mine

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The basic principles of organization and carrying out of hydrogeochemical monitoring according to the set parameters of chemical compounds of mine water at Yakovlevsky mine are given. Monitoring allows to estimate the activity of overflow and secondary moistening of rich iron ores in the mine. At carrying out of monitoring the general occurrence of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) of various genesis is revealed. The correlation of H2S and chlor- ionic maintenance was obtained. Zones of active water overflow from low-carbon limestone at horizons -425 m and -370 m were outlined. The possibility of corrosion of concrete and metals under the influence of H2S is shown.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Timchenko A.A. Analysis and evaluation of the results of hydrogeochemical monitoring of groundwater to ensure the safety of mining operations at Yakovlevsky mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 192-196.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Проблема использования вод рудно-кристаллического водоносного горизонта в бальнеологических целях

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Исследуется проблема бальнеологического использования вод рудно-кристаллического водоносного горизонта Яковлевского месторождения. Рассмотрены несколько примеров использования этих вод как лечебных минеральных. Характеризуется специфика гидрогеологических условий Яковлевского месторождения. Показана специфика минеральных вод, связанная с повышенными концентрациями фтора, бора и брома, которые могут представлять бальнеологический интерес. Подчеркивается, что при бальнеологическом освоении вод рудно-кристаллического горизонта необходим отдельный каптаж водопроявлений и строительство специальных водоводов, подающих минерализованную воду. 

How to cite: Korotkov A.I., Timchenko A.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 223-230.