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N. V. Vorobyeva
N. V. Vorobyeva
Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University
Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical University


Methods and pedagogy
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To the question of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary in non-language universities

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In the report training lexis for technical higher school is touched upon. Students have formed definite habits of study and a certain methodological approach to their learning and assimilation of English. Reading technical literature makes students observe language’s grammatical and lexical phenomena. Vocabulary items have different kinds of meaning. The most important one is in the context. To help distinguish the meaning of words vocabulary items can be grouped into denotations synonyms, antonyms and lexical sets. It takes a long time before students fully know a word. Teachers need to introduce vocabulary items again and again to learners, expanding gradually on their meaning and forms. This also increases the chances of learners remembering the item.

How to cite: Vorobyeva N.V. To the question of teaching professionally-oriented vocabulary in non-language universities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 75-76.