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E. A. Krainova
E. A. Krainova
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas


Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Problems and strategical priorities of the russian oil related services market

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The market of the oil related services is very heterogeneous in it's structure and it is on the stage of establishment. The structure of the distribution of the oil related service market between it's main players is examined and analyzed. The reasons, leading to the lag of Russian service enterprises behind the transnational, are  revealed. The undertaken analysis has made it possible to  arrange the priorities of the development of the oil related services in the Russian  Market.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Krotkov G.I. Problems and strategical priorities of the russian oil related services market // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 182.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Assessment of the competitiveness potential of the Russian market of geophysical services

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Active integration of domestic players with the transnational companies became the main vector of development of the Russian oil service market. The structure of distribution of  the  market of geophysical services between its basic participants is considered and analysed. The reasons leading to integration of the basic players of branch with the foreign companies, and also pluses and minuses of these mergers and acquisitions are established. The carried  out  analysis has allowed to offer some variants of the state support to the market, and also has helped to draw conclusions on prospects development of the Russian market of geophysical service in the future.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Kuznetsov A.V. Assessment of the competitiveness potential of the Russian market of geophysical services // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 185.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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Phased strategy of drilling manufacture re-structuring and it's economy importance

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Drilling manufactures have passed several stages of re-structuring, each of them has exhausted it's efficiency. The problems of phased strategy of drilling manufacture re-structuring are examined, and the causes of its insufficient efficiency are analyzed. The necessity of moving toward the new stage of retructuring, connected to the further separation of the functions within the drilling complex and concentration of run-the-business resources on the main activity category, is economically sound.

How to cite: Krainova E.A. Phased strategy of drilling manufacture re-structuring and it’s economy importance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 260.
Economical aspects in the developments оf fuel & energy complex
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The economic mechanism of project risk management in development of oil and gas resources

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Management decisions efficiency in well construction projects depends on the control of the worked out planning taking into consideration expected risks, rapid reaction on plan vs fact deviations and adjustment to course of works. Economic assessment of well construction risks offers an opportunity to find adequate managerial decisions for prevention of possible design deviations and to submit respective recommendations for construction of new wells to be placed in operation.

How to cite: Krainova E.A. The economic mechanism of project risk management in development of oil and gas resources // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 144-149.
Economic aspects of field development and mineral resource base reproduction
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Economic assessment of operational risk factors of new wells development

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In many ways cost-performance ratio for wells depends on quality of solutions designed for well development. Economic assessment of well construction risks offers an opportunity to find adequate managerial decisions for prevention of possible design deviations and to submit respective recommendations for construction of new wells to be placed in operation.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Kuyarova Y.V. Economic assessment of operational risk factors of new wells development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 31-35.
Russia in the system of world economic relations and foreign experience in MBC a
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Features of restructuring of foreign and Russian oil and gas companies

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Certain experience in development of re-structuring in various branches is accumulated complying with highest world standarts. Re-structuring in oil-and-gas complex includes three main aspects: Perfection of structure and functions of management by oil companies. Perfection of financial and economic policy of oil-and-gas companies and achievement on this basis of production efficiency, its competitiveness and improvement of all technical and economic parameters. Overcoming of gap in technical and economic aspects of companies activity. Various models of re-structuring of oil-and-gas companies in Russia and abroad are considered, their features and influencing factors are allocated.

How to cite: Krainova E.A., Thuy Zuong D.L. Features of restructuring of foreign and Russian oil and gas companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 241-245.