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V. V. Gritskov
V. V. Gritskov
executive director
Union of Mine Surveyors of Russia
executive director
Union of Mine Surveyors of Russia


Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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On mechanisms for improvement of mine surveying works

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The article considers the aspects concerned with the improvement of mine surveying under conditions of market relations. It is shown that the financing of the urgent problems in safe mining operations related to the utilization of the Earth's interior, is practically absent on the federal level. In this connection, the development of the federal programme «Safe Utilization of Mineral Resources and Conservation of Reserves» is a high-priority task, which should include also the aspects of geodynamic safety in mining.

How to cite: Gritskov V.V. On mechanisms for improvement of mine surveying works // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 209-211.