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Yu. A. Podturkin
Yu. A. Podturkin
General director, Ph.D.
Federal official body «The state commission on stocks of minerals»
General director, Ph.D.
Federal official body «The state commission on stocks of minerals»


Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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Examination of utilization of the earth’s interior is a wise use of mineral reserves

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The Russian economy is appreciably defined by the richest minerals -raw potential and effective strategy of its use. The major problems of bodies of the Government in sphere of regulation of attitudes protection of reserves is the objective economic estimation of stocks of minerals, their authentic state account, involving in development of a maximum quantity of minerals at existing economy and technologies, decrease in losses of minerals in extraction and processing, complex processing of raw material, prevention of cases of injurious working off of stocks.

How to cite: Podturkin Y.A. Examination of utilization of the earth’s interior is a wise use of mineral reserves // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 184-187.
Problems in conservation of resources? mine surveying and wise erth's interior utilization
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State examination of mineral reserves in the system of wise utilization of the earth’s interior

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The major problem of bodies of the government in sphere of regulation of attitudes protection of reserves creation of conditions for rational use of resources. The basic role in its decision is played with examination protection of reserves. Maintenance of effective carrying out of examination demands its constant perfection with reference to market conditions with use of the international criteria regarding both calculation and an estimation of stocks, and drawing up design and the engineering specifications on development of mineral deposits.

How to cite: Podturkin Y.A. State examination of mineral reserves in the system of wise utilization of the earth’s interior // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 188-190.