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N. V. Danilova
N. V. Danilova
Postgraduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Postgraduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Algorithms of fuzzy logic in control of autogenous fusion of copper-nickel sulphidic materials

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In work the structure of automatic control system by autogenous fusion of cooper-nickel sulphidic materials is resulted. The algorithm of management by process with application of algorithms of fuzzy-logic is developed.

How to cite: Danilova N.V., Kadyrov E.D. Algorithms of fuzzy logic in control of autogenous fusion of copper-nickel sulphidic materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 130.
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Calculation of material streams of the pirometallurgical cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials

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The technology pirometallurgical a cycle of processing of copper sulphidic materials is considered. The technology includes autogenous fusion in furnaces Vanjukova, converting copper steins and copper refinement. The primary goals of drawing up of model and the accepted assumptions are described. The equations of system of model are balance expressions for each of material streams. Expressions for calculation of material streams pirometallurgical a cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials are found.

How to cite: Danilova N.V. Calculation of material streams of the pirometallurgical cycle of processing of copper sulphidic raw materials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 176-180.
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Application of planning theory for the study of Vanyukov process

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The approach to studying metallurgical processes by means of a method of planning of experiment is considered. With use 2 4 factorial plans are investigated influence of parameters of loading of furnace Vanjukov on concentration of copper in stein. As varied variables the stream of sulphidic materials, stream of fluxes and stream of technical oxygen were considered. As a result of processing skilled data the equation of regress is received. The model of Vanjukov process is constructed. Numerical Experiments were made on a method of Monte-Carlo. Аre revealed current control system shortcomings by process.

How to cite: Danilova N.V. Application of planning theory for the study of Vanyukov process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 148-151.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Analysis of integration of information systems in mining and processing industry

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The basic ranges-geological used in a world practice of information service, modelling, calculation of stocks of deposits of minerals and mountain works are considered. Domestic development of the software and computer technologies of a mountain-geological structure are considered. Opportunities of the information systems most widespread in the world are resulted. Advantages and lacks of ranges-geological are revealed. Introduction of information systems in the industry is analysed. The basic problems of introduction and use of information systems in conditions of modern economy of Russia are considered.

How to cite: Oreshkin S.A., Kornilov M.F., Kadyrov E.D., Danilova N.V. Analysis of integration of information systems in mining and processing industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 17-22.
Mathematical modeling of technological processes in metallurgy
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Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment

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The approach to studying metallurgical processes by means of a method of planning of experiment is considered. With use 2 4 -factorial plans are investigated influence of parameters of loading of furnace Vanjukov on concentration of copper in stein. As varied variables the stream of sulphidic materials, stream of fluxes and stream of technical oxygen were considered. As a result of processing skilled data the equation of regress is received. Influence of separate factors, and also their joint influence is analysed.

How to cite: Danilova N.V., Kadyrov E.D. Modeling of Vanyukov Process by full factorial experiment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 121-123.