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V. V. Samsonova
V. V. Samsonova
The Tumen State Oil-Gas University
, Ph.D.
The Tumen State Oil-Gas University


Problems in geodynamic and ecological safety in the exploration of fields of oil and das, their storage and transporta
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Factors of geodynamic risk in exploration оf the Bovanenkovsk oil-gas condensate field аt the Jamal peninsular

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Geological-structural peculiarities of territory are considered; factors of human impact on geological environment and their geoecological consequences while field development are systematized; the concept of geodynamic monitoring as a tool of maintenance of operational reliability of gas producing facilities is offered.

How to cite: Griva G.I., Brushkov A.V., Melnikov V.P., Samsonova V.V. Factors of geodynamic risk in exploration оf the Bovanenkovsk oil-gas condensate field аt the Jamal peninsular // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 175-178.