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Yu. G. Smagina
Yu. G. Smagina
leading technologist
Mining Institute of the Kola Research Center of RAS
leading technologist
Mining Institute of the Kola Research Center of RAS
Murmansk region, Apatity


Problems in geodynamic safety in the exploration of solid deposits
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Investigation of present-day stress-strain state of rock mass by the results of observations at geodynamic polygons

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The methods are suggested for treatment of the results of optical distance and levelling measurements at the underground geodynamic polygons involving in their calculation the tensors of additional stresses and deformations, component of rotation and specific energy of deformability. As an example, consideration is given to changes in time of movements, deformations and specific energy of deformability at one of geodynamic polygons of the Kola peninsular.

How to cite: Savchenko S.N., Kasparyan E.V., Smagina Y.G. Investigation of present-day stress-strain state of rock mass by the results of observations at geodynamic polygons // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 188. p. 112-116.