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Van Dong Vu
Van Dong Vu
post-graduate student, director VINACOMIN – Mining Geology Company (Vietnam)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
post-graduate student, director VINACOMIN – Mining Geology Company (Vietnam)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



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Analyses of technologcal characteristics of diamond drilling of hard rock

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The classification of different diamond bit types for drilling of jointed rock is offered. It is based on two predominant types of wear: mechanical and thermo physical. The facial and lateral on matrix body as well as cracks along the matrix body, spalling of the matrix sectors and normal wear are attributed to the mechanical type of wear. The proposed classification includes main types of wear at jointed rocks drilling and creates the grounds for the designing of rock-distributing tool more resistant to mechanical and thermo physical wear.

How to cite: Gorelikov V.G., Vu V.D. Analyses of technologcal characteristics of diamond drilling of hard rock // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 179-181.