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S. N. Kotlov
S. N. Kotlov
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geology and geophsics
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Usage modern computer techniques for validation of actions guaranteeing opening strength of pit edge

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In this article is described an example of using program Modflow for the issues of oreation geofiltration processes numerical simulation on procedure of horizontal drainage well simulation. Also is estimated stability of pit edges in case of using system horizontal drains.

How to cite: Kotlov S.N. Usage modern computer techniques for validation of actions guaranteeing opening strength of pit edge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 34-37.
Geology and geophsics
  • Date submitted
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Usage of simulation modeling for planning and interpretation experimental-filtrational works when prospecting solid mineral product deposit

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Is considered the method of modeling geofiltration processes for simulating the planned pumping test on the diamond deposit named of V.P.Grib and of interpretation carried out by pumping test in the field of coal mine «Kotinskaya» in the Kuzbass. Are drown conclusions about effectiveness increase of experimental-flow works with using simulating modeling by experiment optimization and improvement of self-descriptiveness on interpretation stage by taking to the account more detailed investigation of hydro conditions.

How to cite: Kotlov S.N., Volodchenko K.E. Usage of simulation modeling for planning and interpretation experimental-filtrational works when prospecting solid mineral product deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 38-41.