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D. V. Makushin
D. V. Makushin
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


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Production strategy of aluminium reduction pot without anode effect

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The problem of increase of energy performances for higher amperage aluminum pots is discussed during magnet dynamic instability at anode effect. The concept of aluminum production without anode effects which is connected with monitoring of key parameters and discrete alumina feeding is offered.

How to cite: Bazhin V.Y., Makushin D.V., Saitov A.V. Production strategy of aluminium reduction pot without anode effect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 147.
Innovation technology in the field of metallurgy and enrichment
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Influence of MGD-stability at the current efficiency of powerful aluminium pot

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The problem of increase of overall performance of powerful aluminum reduction pots at indemnification of metal losses is discussed during of magnet-dynamic movements. The scheme of asymmetric busbar is developed for increase of electrolysis productivity at the expense of MGD-stability.

How to cite: Bazhin V.Y., Makushin D.V. Influence of MGD-stability at the current efficiency of powerful aluminium pot // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 35.
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Distribution of impurities in aluminum cathode depending on technological factors

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The studies carried out over the last decades show that one of the main causes of failure of electrolyzers is the behavior of sodium in the process of aluminum electrolysis and its introduction into the electrolyzer bed. The paper describes the behavior of sodium in the process of aluminum electrolysis with the use of a number of additives in the electrolyte, which have some influence on the electrolysis process and the state of the electrolysis bath.

How to cite: Makushin D.V. Distribution of impurities in aluminum cathode depending on technological factors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 162-165.