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A. Yu. Davydenko
A. Yu. Davydenko
Irkutsk State Technical University
Irkutsk State Technical University


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Result of combining data from impulse electrical prospecting and aeromagnetic prospecting for groundwater exploration in the south of Yakutia

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In 2014 in the south of Yakutia in the course of groundwater exploration works a complex of geophysical methods was tested: aeromagnetic and electrical prospecting was carried out using near-field transient sounding and electromagnetic sounding with induced polarization. Prospective structures for hydrogeological drilling are zones of discontinuous tectonic faults. In order to identify them, data from aeromagnetic and electrical prospecting were used. Results of drilling confirmed the presence of watered areas; however, analysis of obtained information allowed to come to the conclusion that the amount of water in the faults has no direct connection to electrical conductivity.

How to cite: Davydenko A.Y., Aikasheva N.A., Bukhalov S.V., Davydenko Y.A. Result of combining data from impulse electrical prospecting and aeromagnetic prospecting for groundwater exploration in the south of Yakutia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 224. p. 156. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.2.156
Application of the modern electric exploratory technologies in prospecting of mineral deposits
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The effect of integration robust regression analysis with inversion of transients for median gradient method at study of diatremes on Anabar shield

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For diatremes searching on Anabar crystalline shield classical scheme with measuring in both in frequency and time domain has been used. Using  original  algorithms in combination with robust statistical methods  allow to significantly increase  efficiency information quality  of the field material and detect transient during switch on current pulse. The robust regression procedure was used for removing curves dependence from transmitter-receiving setup. Sediments covered diatreme was discovered in the vicinity of etalon object. The diatreme, which was verified more recently by a borehole, was non manifested in the resistivity map. Inversion  of areal data of transients was performed within five-layers one dimensional induced polarization model and sensitivity is observed up to 1200 m depth.

How to cite: Davydenko Y.A., Davydenko A.Y., Kupriyanov I.S., Popkov P.A., Sleptsov S.V., Pesterev I.Y., Yakovlev S.V. The effect of integration robust regression analysis with inversion of transients for median gradient method at study of diatremes on Anabar shield // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 200. p. 28.
Application of the modern geophysical technologies for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
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Multidimentional analysis and data visualisation of differentially normalized electrical method on the Barents sea shelf

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Intensive offshore exploration is being conducted at the present time. Due to areal alterations over the hydrocarbon deposits high pyrite concentration is accumulated. This effect results in induced polarization anomalies which can be discovered with differentially normalized electrical method. The survey is being carried out in the process of a vessel movement by six channels. dU(t) fields are obtained per one current pulse. These data are highly-correlated. Transformation of these data into orthogonal high dimension space as well as robust multivariate regression procedure application allow to distinguish the geological heterogeneities response. This investigation is developing  the anomalies recognition technique.

How to cite: Graiver A.V., Davydenko A.Y., Davydenko Y.A., Ivanov S.A. Multidimentional analysis and data visualisation of differentially normalized electrical method on the Barents sea shelf // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 173.