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S. A. Veshev
S. A. Veshev
FGU NPP «Geologorazvedka»
FGU NPP «Geologorazvedka»


Application of the modern electric exploratory technologies in prospecting of mineral deposits
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Experience of the complex application оf geophysical and geoelectrochemical methods for the prediction and prospecting оf mineral deposits

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Due to the complexity of prospecting and exploration  of  deep  seated  mineral  deposits, there are new requirements for the methods used. Methods should be  focused on the structural and tectonic characteristics of target objects. A set of methods, including gravity, magnetic, geoelectrochemistry is intoduced. This article describes applying of this complex technology and an example of using it effectively is given.

How to cite: Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A. Experience of the complex application оf geophysical and geoelectrochemical methods for the prediction and prospecting оf mineral deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 200. p. 14.
Application of the modern geophysical technologies for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
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Structure of superimposed haloes of deep-seated polymetallic deposits (based on example of Аltaiski krai)

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Results of field studies run on Zakharovskoie polymetallic deposit (Altaiski Krai) in order to investigate structure of superimposed haloes and to determine velocity of migration of elements forming haloes, are discussed.

How to cite: Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Margovich E.G., Nikitichev A.P., Dukhanin A.S. Structure of superimposed haloes of deep-seated polymetallic deposits (based on example of Аltaiski krai) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 124.
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A complex of gravi-, magneto-, electroprospecting аnd geoelectrochemical methods for local prediction and prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits

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It is proposed to use interpretational spatial distributions of effective parameters of the medium under investigation instead of measured fields in the process of comprehensive prediction-prospecting investigations. There are used effectively: effective density, effective magnetization, intensity of probable sources of geochemical anomalies.

How to cite: Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Margovich E.G., Shtokalenko M.B., Putikov O.F. A complex of gravi-, magneto-, electroprospecting аnd geoelectrochemical methods for local prediction and prospecting for hydrocarbon deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 216-218.
Modern technologies of electrical prospecting for mineral deposits
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Development of geoelectrochemical technologies and their complex use in hydrocarbon prospecting

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The problems of progression of geoelectrochemical technologies are considered. Simplifying algorithm of the flow aureole modeling is described. Examples of the geoelectrochemical technologies application in the search for ore lodes and oil and gas pools are presented.

How to cite: Shtokalenko M.B., Alekseev S.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Putikov O.F. Development of geoelectrochemical technologies and their complex use in hydrocarbon prospecting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 176. p. 136-141.
Modern electrical exploration technologies of prospecting
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Геоэлектрохимические методы при поисках нефтегазовых и рудных месторождений

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Широко используемые при поисках нефтегазовых и рудных месторождений геофизические методы, в том числе и магнитотеллурические, не позволяют достаточно уверенно изучать вещественный состав объектов. Для решения задачи можно использовать в комплексе разработанные в России глубинные геоэлектрохимические методы, основанные на изучении струйных ореолов рассеяния. Дано краткое физико-геологическое и физико-математическое обоснование струйной миграции вещества в земной коре, приведены примеры распределения концентрации в струйном ореоле в слоистом геологическом разрезе, оценено влияние вертикальных разломов.

How to cite: Putikov O.F., Margovich E.G., Veshev S.A., Voroshilov N.A., Alekseev S.G., Shtokalenko M.B. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 162. p. 50.