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M. G. Yakovlev
M. G. Yakovlev
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


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Highly basic bauxite agglomerates

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Agglomerates, sintered of the bauxite and limestone are need to reduce coke consumption in blast furnace slag smelting of high-alumina in order to get out of it quick-and heat-resistant cement. The peculiarity of such a high basicity sinter (the ratio of CaO / SiO2). The paper presents the results of studies demonstrating the ability of the liquid phase in the formation of sinter almost completely assimilate the lime. Bauxite highly basic sinter can be durable and resistant against destruction with open  storage.

How to cite: Utkov V.A., Zyryanova O.V., Yakovlev M.G. Highly basic bauxite agglomerates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 257.
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Basic and strength of iron ore sinter

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Extreme dependence of the strength of sinter from its basicity is explained by content in the agglomerate iron and calcium silicates, which form a bundle of strength sinter. Minimum strength of sinter corresponds basicity about 1,2-1,4. This proves the attempts to optimize the technology of this agglomerate with  the planning of the experiment. Laboratory experiments have shown that the basicity of sinter with 1,4 at the optimal linear velocity of its sintering about 18,7 mm/min, obtained an acceptable yield ratio not more than 65 %, even at elevated (above 6 %) fuel rate. In order to increase the maximum strength of the agglomerate in this extreme dependence appropriate to increase the content of iron oxide. Found that with the increase in iron content of 1,5 % yield of the agglomerate increases by 1 %. It is noted that the increase in iron content in the agglomerate after the maximum strength can lead to some of its decline, due to increased melting of the charge and decreases the amount of a strength ferritic-calcium binding.

How to cite: Lugovskii N.Y., Yakovlev M.G., Zyryanova O.V., Utkov V.A. Basic and strength of iron ore sinter // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 260.