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Arto Laari
Arto Laari
Lappeenranta University of Technology
Lappeenranta University of Technology


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Researches on improvement of gold leaching process by means of mass transfer optimization in gas-liquid reactors

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Modern metallurgy pays more attention to chemical processes safety of staff and nature environment. One of the most hazardous branches in metallurgy is gold ores cyanidation. Researches on possibility to avoid cyanide leaching are carrying out during last thirty years. Cyanide competitors are thiosulphate and thiourea solvers. Within international  cooperation  between National Mineral Resources University and Lappeenranta University of Technology researches are devoted to tiosulphate leaching improvement. Main efforts  are  forwarded  on  process chemistry, however mass transfer processes of heterogenic  systems  are  important  as well. Therefore their optimization is planned to achieve by means of computer modeling based on particle image velocimetry.

How to cite: Gradov D.V., Sizyakov V.M., Turunen I., Laari A. Researches on improvement of gold leaching process by means of mass transfer optimization in gas-liquid reactors // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 69.
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Modeling of batch gold leaching process by cyanidation

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A kinetic gold leaching model, based on the well-known shrinking core model, is presented in this work. The model considers the effects of internal diffusion, surface reaction and unreacted amount of gold in the concentrate particle during leaching. The model parameters are estimated by minimization of mismatching between experimental data and results of numerical computation of kinetic model made by using ReactOp  software.

How to cite: Zhukov V.V., Sharikov Y.V., Turunen I., Laari A. Modeling of batch gold leaching process by cyanidation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 178.
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Computer modeling of physical processes of gas-liquid reactor

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Computer based modeling is increasingly strengthening its position in equipment designing, especially unique meeting particular needs of production line or certain plant of metallurgy. There are several reasons for that such as economic benefits, wide range of geometry available to be built and possibility of comprehensive study on materials reliability as well as virtual model testing in working regime. One of the most applied and therefore permanently developed program packages for fluid behavior modeling is Fluent product of ANSYS company. The package is being used for creation first physical and in future chemical model which will be capable to describe and predict process and reactions behavior of high quality taking place in gold  leaching gas-liquid reactor  with thiosulphate using.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Gradov D.V., Turunen I., Laari A. Computer modeling of physical processes of gas-liquid reactor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 202. p. 284.