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M. M. Malyshkin
M. M. Malyshkin
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Qestion of the geoecology
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Reducing environmental hazard drilling works

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The problem of disposal of drilling waste is proposed to solve through the introduction of protective functions of the complex engineering activities, including, firstly, the application in the process of drilling mud through watersoluble biodegradable polymers and quadruple systems, cleaning fluid, and secondly, the application design platform with the wells trench in the body of the embankment site for pressed cuttings, which is arranged for a temporary earthen vessel for drilling wastewater.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Reducing environmental hazard drilling works // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 186.

Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign practice of solid municipal waste

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The increase in household waste in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region inevitably leads to environmental degradation, but, unfortunately, the political priorities in the field of waste management are far from perfect and the prevailing non-interference policy leads to economic inefficiency of waste management.

How to cite: Barkan M.S., Malyshkin M.M. Comparative analysis of domestic and foreign practice of solid municipal waste // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 39.

Method for determination of wasted hazard class for salty drill cuttings

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Salty cuttings it is drilling waste salt solutions used for extraction is difficult to extract minerals. Accumulated in sludge pits, they have negative effects on the environment in the areas of energy sector companies. The purpose of this work is to identify the hazard class saltwater drilling mud for the further development of protective measures.

How to cite: Krysa V.V., Malyshkin M.M. Method for determination of wasted hazard class for salty drill cuttings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 50.

Well drilling technologies ecologization

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One of the largest environmental problems of the oil industry in Russia is drilling waste contamination, that has negative impact on the living conditions of the people, animals and plants. The problem of disposal of drilling waste is proposed to solve through the introduction of protective functions of the complex engineering activities, including, firstly, the application in the process of drilling mud through water-soluble biodegradable polymers and quadruple systems, cleaning fluid, and secondly, the application design platform with the wells trench in the body of the embankment site for pressed cuttings, which is arranged for a temporary earthen vessel for drilling wastewater.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Well drilling technologies ecologization // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 203. p. 63.
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Increase of efficiency of methods of sludge pits reclamation

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One of the most critical environmental problems of the oil industry in Russia is contamination with drilling waste that has a negative impact on the living conditions of people, animals and plants. The paper offers techniques to reclaim drilling mud sumps and enhancing their efficiency. Drilling mud sumps are pits dug on the territory of drilling sites and filled with drilling waste. The problem with reclamation of drilling mud sumps can be solved through forest recultivation, i.e. planting trees over the sumps. In order to further enhance recultivation it is offered to use carboxymethyl cellulose, which will create a protective coating on the seed surface, and to perform engineering recultivation before planting seeds.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Increase of efficiency of methods of sludge pits reclamation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 181. p. 220-222.
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Monitoring and development of methods of oil sludge pits reclamation

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One of the largest environmental problems of the oil industry in Russia is drilling waste contamination, that has negative impact on the living conditions of the people, animals and plants. Drill return sumps are pits on the territory of drilling sites, filled with drilling waste. The problem of drill return sumps recultivation can be solved using the local tree crops and drilling wastage skillfully employed as growth-stimulating substance alongside with drill return sumps amelioration. This gives us a possibility of developing of a conceptually new scientific and methodical base of forest recultivation on the disturbed lands.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M., Pashkevich M.A. Monitoring and development of methods of oil sludge pits reclamation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 174. p. 236-238.
Mining. Ecology
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Recultivation of sludge pits by planting with plants

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One of the most serious environmental problems in the Russian oil industry is environmental pollution by drilling waste, which has a negative impact on the living conditions of people, animals and plants. Drilling sumps are pits on the territory of drilling sites filled with drilling waste. The problem of reclamation of drilling sumps can be solved using, along with reclamation of sumps, local tree crops and drilling wastes skillfully applied as growth-stimulating substances. This makes it possible to develop fundamentally new scientific and methodological bases for reclamation of forests on disturbed lands.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Recultivation of sludge pits by planting with plants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 119-120.
Mining. Ecology
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Cleaning of near-surface sediments from oil pollution in conditions of swamp landscapes of Western Siberia

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One of the major environmental problems in Russia is the pollution of the natural environment by oil and oil products. The work is devoted to oil spill cleanup in the swampy landscapes of Western Siberia. The problem of oil collection is proposed to be solved by the available equipment and personnel, using forced methods, and to intensify oil collection in swampy areas to build excavations in natural depressions and drainage ditches to them along the flow lines, and then apply water washing with simultaneous localization of the territory. The schemes developed and proposed by the author to improve the efficiency of oil collection from waterlogged areas are used in practice and included in the guiding document of Surgutneftegaz.

How to cite: Malyshkin M.M. Cleaning of near-surface sediments from oil pollution in conditions of swamp landscapes of Western Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 76-78.