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S. V. Korotkii
S. V. Korotkii
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)



Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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Improvement of the mechanism of corporate governance in the large companies at change of structure of joint-stock property

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Theoretical and practical questions of change of corporate structure of property in the large companies are considered. The reasons of unfriendly absorption on an example greenmail are established and analysed, methods of corporate capture and the main ways of protection of the companies from unfriendly absorption and corporate blackmail are considered. It is shown that improvement of quality of corporate governance provides stability and efficiency of activity of the companies.

How to cite: Korotkii S.V., Putivlskaya N.A. Improvement of the mechanism of corporate governance in the large companies at change of structure of joint-stock property // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 119.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Corporate governance as instrument of improvement of quality of management companies mineral-raw material complex

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Corporate governance in the global economy is becoming one of the major factors of growth of the company value. The article examines the impact of corporate governance on investment attractiveness of the companies mineral-raw material complex, the relationship of corporate governance and the quality of management of the company.

How to cite: Korotkii S.V. Corporate governance as instrument of improvement of quality of management companies mineral-raw material complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 185.