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O. Yu. Ganzulenko
O. Yu. Ganzulenko
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)



Energy industry
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Energy efficiency of the linear rack drive for sucker rod pumping units

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At present, in order to increase oil production and reduce economic costs in the development of marginal fields, the development of a cluster method using compact mobile drives of sucker rod pumping units (SRPU) is relevant. The aim of the work is to analyze the ways to improve the energy efficiency of the SRPU by reducing the loss of mechanical and electrical energy, to select the most energy-efficient compact drive for the development of marginal fields in the cluster method, to carry out the kinematic and strength calculations of the drive of the selected size, to develop an adaptive control system for a group of drives in the cluster development of drillings. According to the results of the performed calculations, the linear rack-and-gear drive has the highest efficiency of the drive mechanism. The kinematic and strength calculations of a linear rack-and-gear drive with a stroke length of 1120 mm and a load of up to 8 tons are presented. It was shown that the usage of a direct torque control system and a kinetic energy storage system for the SRPU drive elements and a rod string is an effective means of reducing energy costs in oil production from marginal fields. The use of the developed system for storing and redistributing the potential energy of the rods between the SRPUs that lift oil made it possible to eliminate fluctuations in the power consumption, reduce the power peak value by three times, the peak value of the current consumed from the electric network by two times, and reduce losses in the input converter and cables by three times.

How to cite: Ganzulenko O.Y., Petkova A.P. Energy efficiency of the linear rack drive for sucker rod pumping units // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 261. p. 325-338. EDN HIGAOE
Materials science and art materials processing
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Selection of alloying elements in steels for obtaining images full range of colors on the surface of the products by means of a pulsed laser radigation

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There are considered oxidation features of the metallic materials by means of pulsed laser radiation, the results of thermodynamic calculations the formation of different oxide structures in alloy steels, which are recommended to be considered when choosing the chemical composition of steel to produce full-color images on the surface of the processing of materials by pulsed laser radiation.

How to cite: Ganzulenko O.Y., Petkova A.P. Selection of alloying elements in steels for obtaining images full range of colors on the surface of the products by means of a pulsed laser radigation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 216.
Materials science and art materials processing
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Thermochemical processing technology development of austenitic corrosion-resistant chromium-nickel steels for internal housiong elements to improve their hydrogen resistance

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The article presents the developed chemical and heat treatment technology of austenitic welded steel to create a multilayer boot systems of hydride fuel cell products and advanced stationary and transport nuclear power generating facilities. The rational choice of the chemical composition of the coating material, which provides a significant reduction in its hydrogen permeability in conditions of high temperatures and hydrogen-containing environments is proved.

How to cite: Petkova A.P., Ganzulenko O.Y. Thermochemical processing technology development of austenitic corrosion-resistant chromium-nickel steels for internal housiong elements to improve their hydrogen resistance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 229.