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Editorial Board

Сhief Editor

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of the International Academy of Higher Education, RANS, RAHS, MANEB, Rector

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Deputy  chief editor

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Member of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Expert of the RSF and RAS

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Executive secretary

Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Director of the Publishing House “Journal of Mining Institute”

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Editorial Board

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Board Member, Head of Department 623

  • JSC «Gazprom»
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of RAS, Director

  • Perm Federal Research Center Ural Branch Russian Academy of Science
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Head of Department of Metallurgy

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of RANS, International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences, Russian Tunnel Association, Member of the International Bureau of Mining Thermal Physics, Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining IOM3 (UK), Expert at RAS (certificate  2016-01-6388-8659), Professor at the Department of Industrial Safety

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of RAS, Member of the RANS, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Member of the Committee on Geology and Resource Exploitation, International Gas Union, Director of Yamal-Nenets Division of the Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS, Deputy Engineer-in-Chief of Science Programs

  • LLC "Gazprom Development Nadym", JSC «Gazprom»
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Active Member of RAHS, Honored Scienctist of Russian Federation, Head of the Underground Mining Department

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Deputy Director

  • Central Research Institute of Economics and Mathematics of the RAS
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Member of the Russian Mineralogical Society, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAS, Honorary President

  • LLC "Russian Mineralogical Society"
  • Russian Federation

Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Russian Federation, Privileged Mining Engineer (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining IOM3, UK), Acting Member of the Higher Attestation Commission, Director of the Shared Scientific and Research-Education Center for "Fundamental Research on Minerals Indicating Petro- and Ore Genesis", Head of the Geoecology Department

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Expert at RAS (certificate 2016-01-4475-1151), expert at JSC "Gazprom", Professor at the Economics, Organization and Management

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Member of the RANS, Head of Department of Geology of Oil and Gas

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Construction of Mining Enterprises and Underground Structures

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Economics, candidate of Engineering, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Science, CEO

  • LLC "Kinef"
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Acting Director

  • Saint Petersburg Scientific Research Centre for Ecological Safety, RAS
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of the International Higher Education Academy Of Sciences, RANS, RAHS, MANEB, Head of Department of Mechanics

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics, Organization and Management

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Privileged Mining Engineer (Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining IOM3, UK), Invited Expert on Hydrocarbon Resources at the State Reserves Commission, Expert at RAS (certificate 2016-4315-0268), JSC "Gazprom" Expert at, Head of the Economics, Organization and Management Department

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Member of IEEE, Active Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Head of the Department of General Electric Engineering

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russian Federation

Professor of Lulea University of Technology

  • Lulea University of Technology
  • Sweden

Professor of Mining Mechanical Engineering School in Queensland University

  • Mining Mechanical Engineering School in Queensland University
  • Australia

Doctor of Science, Professor Department of Chemistry and Physics

  • Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg
  • Germany

Doctor of Science, Professor, vice-rector for Scientific and Research Activities of Kosice Technical University

  • Kosice Technical University
  • Slovakia

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Vice President China University of Mining and Technology

  • China University of Mining and Technology
  • PR China

Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Director of Academic Committee China University of Mining and Technology

  • China University of Mining and Technology
  • PR China

Journal Staff

Head of the Editorial and Publishing Center

  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russia


  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russia


  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russia


  • Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University
  • Russia