The analysis of sufficiency and reliability of market information in small and average settlements in the Northwest district for estimation of the statistical method of ground area cadastral cost definition application possibility
2011 V. A. Kiseleva, O. Yu. Lepikhina
Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable
2011 E. A. Zagrivnyi, A. N. Fomenko
Stand for evaluating the efficiency of transport of peat
2011 E. Yu. Stepuk, S. L. Ivanov
Techniques of mining underlying stocks of udachnaya tube
2011 G. F. Piven
The depth estimation of 2D conductive isometrical bodies by singular points at the tipper frequency characteristic
2011 E. Yu. Ermolin, O. Ingerov
Modelling cavities nearwell areas for studyind of possibilities neitron well methods
2011 N. A. Poznyakova