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V. L. Bogdanov
V. L. Bogdanov
OJSC «Surgutneftegaz»
OJSC «Surgutneftegaz»


Problems of predicting and preventing emergencies and their consequences
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Biological reclamation of land contaminated by oil products

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In the biological method of land reclamation the period of restoration of anthropogenic-disturbed territory depends on the degree of soil contamination by hydrocarbons, ecological conditions of plants and microorganisms-destructors of oil-hydrocarbons. The threshold concentration of oil products in sod-podzolic soils (3 l/m 2 ) was established for meadow phytocenoses, exceeding which leads to disruption of plant life. In areas with this degree of soil contamination plant cover begins to form in the second year after the anthropogenic disturbance of the territory. The presence of oil products in the soil at a concentration of 4-5 l/m 2 causes the death of up to 95-100% of the natural flora. Based on the reaction of meadow plants we can distinguish three degrees of soil pollution by oil products: weak (1-2 l/m 2 ), medium (3 l/m 2 ) and strong (more than 4 l/m 2 ). Introduction of oil-hydrocarbon destructor microorganisms into the contaminated soil increases the germination of cultivated plants by 40-50%. It is advisable to use the biopreparation "Auros" and peat compost on the contaminated plots and sow meadow clover, white clover, common clover, awnless brome, meadow fescue, meadow tymofeevka.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L., Mukhina L.B., Dmitrieva E.Y., Shmeleva I.V. Biological reclamation of land contaminated by oil products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. 154. p. 231-234.
Forecasting and prevention of emergencies and their consequences
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Bioremediation of soil cover contaminated with oil products

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Studies of meadow phytocenoses have established a threshold concentration of oil products in sod-podzolic soils (3 p/m 2 ), the excess of which leads to disruption of plant life. In areas with such degree of soil contamination vegetation cover is formed in the second year after technogenic disturbance of the territory. The presence of oil products in the soil in the concentration of 4-5 p/m 2 causes the death of up to 95-100 % of natural flora. Analysis of research results allows us to distinguish three degrees of soil contamination with oil products based on the reaction of meadow plants: weak (1-2 l/m 2 ), medium (3 l/m 2 ) and strong (more than 4 l/m 2 ). For bioremediation of contaminated soils, it is advisable to cultivate meadow and creeping clover, hedgehog, meadow fescue, meadow timothy. Organic compost based on peat proved to be the best biostimulant for activation of soil microflora - oil-hydrocarbons destructors - under conditions of optimal soil humidity.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L., Shmeleva I.V., Yakovitskaya A.P. Bioremediation of soil cover contaminated with oil products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 5 149. p. 248-250.
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Efficiency of enhanced oil recovery at Russian oil fields

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In the present economic situation, it is extremely important for Russia to make oil production as ef­fective as possible, especially in complicated conditions by introducing state-of-the-art technologies thereby increasing oil yield. Despite various examples of the successful application of new technolo­gies in horizontal drilling, hydraulic fracturing, water flooding and the hydrodynamic, physio-chemical and thermal methods, for example, by 'Surgutneftegaz', the oil yield in Russia is generally rather low. This is because we do not have a systematic approach to the problems of oil production and intro­duce advanced technologies too slowly. It is imperative that we, without delay, put into operation computer-aided models of field exploration using domestic potential and specialists.

How to cite: Bogdanov V.L. Efficiency of enhanced oil recovery at Russian oil fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2000. Vol. 145. p. 75-84.