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N. E. Bobin
N. E. Bobin
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Improvement of the shear unit for sterile sampling of ice core

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Conventional methods of cleaning the surface of a rock sample by taking a microbiological sample from it when working with ice are unsuitable. A method of sterile sampling from the inner part of the ice core is proposed, in which the outer part of the sample serves as a reliable screen protecting the sample from extraneous microflora. The main thing is to obtain an uncontaminated section of the ice surface. This is possible if such an area is obtained by shearing and is not in contact with the instrument. The design of the unit device USL-3M is proposed, which allows to obtain a clean core chipping surface at 3-4 mm depth of knife penetration into ice and at least 10-15 mm thickness of the outer layer of ice, which is not included into the sample.

How to cite: Bobin N.E., Mirokhin M.Y. Improvement of the shear unit for sterile sampling of ice core // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 144-146.
Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Technical means for the study of subglacial reservoirs in the example of Lake Vostok in Antarctica

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The results of research work aimed at the development of special technical means to penetrate into subglacial lakes in order to take water samples with the condition of compliance with the measures excluding its contamination are presented.

How to cite: Bobin N.E., Talatai P.G., Yankilevich S.V. Technical means for the study of subglacial reservoirs in the example of Lake Vostok in Antarctica // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 147-149.
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Теплообменные процессы при стерильном отборе проб из ледового керна для микробиологических исследований

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Тепловой способ бурения по снежно-фирновым и ледовым отложениям в труднодоступных районах имеет ряд преимуществ перед обычными механически­ми способами бурения. Он не требует тяжеловесного оборудования и больших энергетических затрат, обеспечивает высокое качество и 100%-ный выход керна, который может быть попользован .для широкого круга исследований: гляциологических, петрографических, кристалломорфологических, геохимиче­ских и др ...

How to cite: Kudryashov B.B., Bobin N.E. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1976. Vol. № 2 71. p. 30.