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A. N. Lyubchik
A. N. Lyubchik
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Way remote magnitometrichesky control of the technical condition of the main pipelines

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Last decades maintenance of reliability of objects of oil and gas has considerably become aggravated. It is connected with considerable ageing of pipelines which almost on 45 their  %  them are maintained more than 20 years, and 20 % – over 30 years, besides poor quality of designing and building in a combination to the limited service life applied film insulating materials  of pipes lead to appreciable decrease in an operational resource. Thus, the urgency of maintenance of reliable, accident-free and effective work of pipeline system became obvious. In offered work application remote magnetometric the control, on the basis of application magnetometric equipments is described.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Way remote magnitometrichesky control of the technical condition of the main pipelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 268.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Prediction of the technical status of pipeline based on analysis

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Since 1991 till the year of 2000 more than 300 serious accidents happened in Russia. The significant part of the accidents at main pipelines was connected with electrochemical corrosion, stress corrosion cracking and microbiological corrosion. System analysis of the accident reasons cannot be given without probabilistic and statistical approach, which assumes that the reason of the accident is the combination of many influencing factors. At the same time usage of the multivariate analysis is quite complicated task due to a large amount of factors, influencing the pipelines accident rate, insufficient statistics and unauthentic documentation of the accident causes .

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N., Krapivskii E.I., Bolshunova O.M. Prediction of the technical status of pipeline based on analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 153.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Modern magnetic quality monitoring and the forecast of the technical condition of engineering constructions

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On terrain of Russia act a system of mains by a general expansion more than 200 thousand km. More than halves oil and gas pipelines are in exploitation 25-35 years, i.e. demand immediate repeated examination and conforming preventive maintenance. Intraube magnetic or the ultrasonic flaw detection for these purposes is not always possible and is dear enough, therefore last years a urgency of application of remote geophysical methods has increased at service oil and gaspipeline of the transport sharply. These methods are express enough and more economic.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Modern magnetic quality monitoring and the forecast of the technical condition of engineering constructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 124-127.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Investigation of operation and control of electromagnetic valves of the system of mobile reference complex for oil well productivity estimation

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In article the actual problem of change of quantity of residual gas in a stream of commodity petroleum is considered. The devices based on a radioisotope method of measurement and their testing means are submitted. The principle of work of a mobile reference complex on the basis of that the device of the electromagnetic valve was offered is investigated and described.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Investigation of operation and control of electromagnetic valves of the system of mobile reference complex for oil well productivity estimation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 93-95.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Reference complex on metrological maintenance of measurements of quantity of crude oil and oil gas

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A 2-nd category reference complex for metrological assurance of crude petroleum and petroleum gas measurements is offered. The hydraulic circuit of the reference complex is developed. Analysis of advantages and disadvantages of the design is carried out. The time diagram offered shows execution of basic operations of the measuring algorithm.

How to cite: Lyubchik A.N. Reference complex on metrological maintenance of measurements of quantity of crude oil and oil gas // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 91-92.