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Yu. S. Gurev
Yu. S. Gurev
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Humanities and fundamental researches
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Geologist Sobolev and the discovery of diamond deposits in Yakutia

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For the anniversary of the Department of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits a presentation was prepared about the activity of the geologist V.S. Sobolev and his main work - prediction of a diamond deposit in Yakutia, carried out on the basis of comparison of the geological structure of diamond-bearing provinces of South Africa and Western Siberia. This can serve as a vivid example of successful use of mathematical model in geology. Material about the life and work of a scientist is combined with a story about mathematical models and the most common example of the use of a mathematical model (the discovery of the planet Neptune) most expressively reproduced in the program PowerPoint. The material is organized on 13 slides, which run automatically, so it looks like a movie. The presentation is accompanied by audio and video and lasts 8 minutes.

How to cite: Gurev Y.S. Geologist Sobolev and the discovery of diamond deposits in Yakutia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 270-271.