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A. A. Burov
A. A. Burov
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University
Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University


Russian language: modern linguistic research
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To the question about the nominative picture of the world of the Russian language

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The nominative world picture of the Russian language is interpreted as a vocabulary of Russian speech field. Its main task is to be associated as a cognio-linguistic system of nomination. The structure of nominative units is determined by specific features of syntactic organization of a sentence which presents the topic’s peculiarity of relations between the objects of cognition. The Russian speech world picture is characterized by a frequent use of non-standard textual nominations based on the syntactic parts of communication. Nominative-syntactical semiosis open the way to see some «distance» between reference and nomination. It can signify the emergence of ethnomental parts of sense which give some interest as to say about the dialogue of linguistic cultures.

How to cite: Burov A.A. To the question about the nominative picture of the world of the Russian language // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 175. p. 204-205.
Rhetorical classics and the contemporary status of rhetoric
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On the idiostyle of the modern speaker as a linguistic personality

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The materials analyze the specifics of such an important concept in modern rhetoric as the speaker's idiostyle. In the conditions of speech communication, rhetorical idiostyle cannot be considered as a category of linguistic personality (Y.N. Karaulov), which has a multilevel "structure". The linguistic personality of a modern speaker should possess such qualities as national-cultural dignity, intelligence, language ecology, speech flexibility, creativity, tolerance and so on. The phenomenon of this personality reveals the possibility of different idiostyle response to reality. The idiostyle of the verbal-semantic level differs significantly from the idiostyle of the cognitive level, which is much more complex and interesting. The most vivid is the idiostyle of the linguistic personality, which fully engages its three-level structure and realizes the whole rhetorical potential.

How to cite: Burov A.A. On the idiostyle of the modern speaker as a linguistic personality // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. № 1 160. p. 8-9.