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S. V. Gavrilov
S. V. Gavrilov
Samara State Technical University
Samara State Technical University


Topical issues in prospecting and development of oil and gas deposits
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Development of technology for construction of sidetracks with horizontal sections under the condition of preservation of the old wellbore and existing production from it. Justification of economic feasibility of drilling of sidetracks with horizontal sect

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The practice of new oil and gas field development often shows that the real oildrainage boundary is larger than supposed one. On account of this the special zones are fixed in the area of oil field that are not in the area of drainage usually. The similar situation is considered by the example of oil field in Western Siberia. It was suggested to develop the area of field that was not covered with well spacing by means of construction of two lateral branches with horizontal sections instead of four deviated wells to solve this problem. The drilling technology of lateral branches and technology of tailing-in are considered by stages. A review of equipment that is used in drilling of lateral branches and in completion of wells with branch holes is given. The economical expediency of project realization of lateral branches construction.

How to cite: Gavrilov S.V. Development of technology for construction of sidetracks with horizontal sections under the condition of preservation of the old wellbore and existing production from it. Justification of economic feasibility of drilling of sidetracks with horizontal sect // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 174. p. 60-62.