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V. A. Kiseleva
V. A. Kiseleva
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Geomechanics, geodesy, mine surveying and cadastre
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The analysis of sufficiency and reliability of market information in small and average settlements in the Northwest district for estimation of the statistical method of ground area cadastral cost definition application possibility

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This article is devoted to the analysis of Northwest district small and average settlement market conditions. The analysis has been made with criteria of sufficiency and reliability market information. It is carried out in order to prove one of the ground area cadastral cost calculation methods.

How to cite: Kiseleva V.A., Lepikhina O.Y. The analysis of sufficiency and reliability of market information in small and average settlements in the Northwest district for estimation of the statistical method of ground area cadastral cost definition application possibility // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 217-221.