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A. N. Fomenko
A. N. Fomenko
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
post-graduate student
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)



Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable

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Considered nonsymmetric mode of drill bit oscillations when forming a unipolar electromagnetic torque on each cycle oscillations of dynamically balanced drill . Developed a method for estimating speed of rotation drill around its axis when working in the nonsymmetric mode at first approximation .

How to cite: Zagrivnyi E.A., Fomenko A.N. Swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation of dynamically counter-balanced drilling string on carrying cable // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 95-98.
Mining machine, electrical engineering and electromechanics
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Simulation of swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation

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Mathematical and simulation models of drill bit oscillations. Method for calculating the model works elastic, electromagnetic and load torques has been developed. Simulation results of autoresonant regimes with asymmetric excitation oscillations of dynamically counter balanced drilling string on the cargo-carrying cable drill bit are represented.

How to cite: Fomenko A.N. Simulation of swinging movement autoresonant electric drive with nonsymmetric excitation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 117-120.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Resonant electric drive of the reciprocating-rotational motion of a dynamically balanced drilling projectile on a load-carrying cable

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Mathematical and imitating models of electromechanical systems return-rotary movement are considered, results of imitating modelling in systems with dry and viscous frictions are resulted, the settlement scheme for dynamically counterbalanced chisel shell on cargo carrying cable is resulted.

How to cite: Fomenko A.N. Resonant electric drive of the reciprocating-rotational motion of a dynamically balanced drilling projectile on a load-carrying cable // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 133-136.